Monday, June 15, 2009

Couch to 5k

Today I started the Couch to 5k program. I think I am off to a great start with it. Though I was totally out of breath, there was only one time that I felt like giving up LOL. And at that moment I picked up my cell phone and texted my friend Jaime, who is doing the same program, to tell her I was on minute 14 and was gonna die. After I did that I kept going because I know she did it and is now on week three of the program.

Tomorrow will be day two and I'm really excited about it. I just need to figure out when I can fit some resistance training in with the Couch to 5k program and get my diet on track.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 2

I had a good start to last week. I went to the Gym and did 1.5 miles on the treadmill on Tuesday and Wednesday. But then I "got busy" and didn't go the rest of the week. Shame on me, I know. For some reason, I can't get past feeling bad for putting Lucy in the daycare at the gym even though I she would love to play with someone else's toys for a little while.

I lost a little over a pound last week. Not too shabby for only two days at the gym and not eating very well. But my goal is 2 pounds a week. Lets hope this week goes better!